Be Strong Women’s Ministry

Be Strong Ministries is a faith-based program passionately committed to fostering healing and recovery in women. Our goal is to empower each resident with vital tools for freedom and productivity, enabling them to thrive in their communities.

Joshua 1:9 NLT
“This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.”


At Be Strong Women’s Ministry, we specialize in providing comprehensive faith-based support and treatment for a range of challenges including drug addiction, chemical dependency, alcohol dependence, and recovery from physical abuse or any other life-controlling issues. Our programs are designed for those with a strong desire to change and overcome life-controlling issues, offering a path to healing and empowerment.

Our Services


Providing a safe and nurturing environment for healing and recovery.

Disciple Training

Offering faith-based guidance to strengthen spiritual foundations.

Life Skills Training

Teaching essential skills for successful independent living.

Parenting Classes

Empowering women with skills to nurture and raise their children effectively.

Case Management

Personalized support and guidance through each recovery journey.

Support Work Program

Facilitating work opportunities to build confidence and skills.

Relapse Prevention

Strategies and support to maintain long-term sobriety and wellness

Healthy Family Support

Fostering strong, supportive family relationships during recovery.

Vocational GED Training

Providing educational opportunities for personal and professional growth.

Life Coaching

One-on-one coaching to help set and achieve personal goals.

Aftercare Program

Ongoing support and resources to ensure sustained success post-treatment.

Our Program

Be Strong Women’s Ministries is a 9-12 month program with four levels:

Orientation Phase

This initial phase focuses on the power of words and thoughts in shaping life, guiding participants through transformative practices to create a positive mindset.

*You will receive 2 passes for 4 hours each.*

Motivation Phase

A critical stage that delves into mental resilience, this level equips individuals with strategies to combat negative thoughts and mental struggles that often accompany addiction and recover.

*You will receive 2 passes for 8 hours each. Hours will be at the discretion of Be Strong.*

Declaration Phase

This level integrates spiritual development, offering a 60-day devotional journey to address spiritual conflicts and challenges, fostering inner strength and faith.

*You will receive 2 passes for 12 hours each. Hours will be at the discretion of Be Strong.*

Relapse Prevention

The final stage of the program concentrates on long-term recovery, providing tools and techniques for relapse prevention to ensure sustainable sobriety and well-being.

*You will receive 2 passes for 24 hours each.*

With Program Director discretion, the described level guidelines may be adjusted based upon the resident’s progress.